This situation will be filmed. It will unfold in three locations near Göteborg, Sweden, during week 37 of September 2024. A related public workshop series, with experts focused on the performative building blocks of the Procrustean Bed engine, will take place at Skogen in Göteborg on June 1-2, and on location July 6-7.
20 players. All roles are gender-neutral, we welcome a wide age range, and role-playing experience is not necessary. Fear not the mundane — lodging in the rustic Hästhagen, sustenance, and regional travel are all taken care of.
Sign up is open from now to 25th of may. After that we will contact you for follow up interviews. You will know if you have been accepted/chosen for the experience by the latest of June 7th. If you get a spot there will be no cost to participate.
Interested? Send us a glimpse into your world — a photo, a snippet of your saga, and your interest in the project — to
Filmed game event, Thursday, September 12th – Sunday, September 15th, 2024.
Workshop for players and crew: July 6th and 7th. At locations. (Welcome to attend but not obligatory)
Public workshop series: June 1st and 2nd (Welcome to attend but not obligatory)
Filmed game event: three locations near Borås, Sweden.
Workshop for players and crew: three locations near Borås, Sweden.
Public workshop series: Skogen, Masthuggsterrassen 3, SE-413 18 Göteborg, Sweden.